Here's the skinny: I've been near 300 lbs. for years and need to lose weight. I'm married to a wonderful lady, and we have a family. One of our boys often asks if I'll run with him. I've always had to tell him, "No." In August of '09, my wife learned about a couch-to-5k running program, and I agreed to try it with her. This blog chronicles our progress on that training program. I hope I'll soon be able to surprise my son by telling him, "Yes, I'll go running with you!"

Friday, November 6, 2009

What a difference a night makes

Having knocked off my main assignment for the week a few days ago, I've been left with reading.  As last night rolled in I hit the home stretch.  I nearly finished the weekly reading in the denser text, and that leaves me with just a few pages there before diving into the easier read that I should be able to wrap up in an evening.  That being the case, I allowed myself to watch an hour of TV (Stargate Universe via Hulu), and even got to bed before 11 PM.  I iced my left knee for about an hour before I went to bed, and I popped a few Ibuprofen tablets.

I felt much better when I got up this morning.  The daylight savings time change has shifted dawn an hour earlier, and that does make it a bit easier to get up.  When I stepped outside to go to work, and felt how relatively warm it was (compared to what it had been recently), I lamented that we didn't decide to run in the morning.  Oh, what a difference a night makes!

We'll run this afternoon.  I should get off work about 3:30 PM, so we should be able to run before 5 PM.  I'm not sure how far I'll go today.  If we keep to our pattern, this will be one of the last three runs before our 5k.  Mrs. F read that one should not run two days prior to a major race, and, for us at least, our first 5k run is a major race.

Thanks for all the comments from everyone while I was feeling down.  It's good to be reminded that there are good runs and bad runs.  I also want to acknowledge that you shouldn't run with pain when you're as green as am I.  I should have been more open with Mrs. F about not wanting to run the other day, and should have given myself the time to recover.  Whatever I opt to do this afternoon, I'm going to take it at an easy pace--something maintainable.  If I get hurt between now and Wednesday, my chance to run that Turkey Trot will gone.

I'm not expecting the scale to be kind today.  I've not been tracking my intake this week.  I'm bracing for a two pound gain.  If it's higher than that, I'll need to swallow the bitter pill of responsibility for my own actions.

Well, good day to all.  I have much to do.


  1. I just came across your blog, and first off I just want to say how impressed I am with the both of you! Way to go! As a fellow newbie runner, I always find the words and determination of others facing the same challenge to be inspiring.
    Good luck with the scale. I too have swallowed the same bitter pill many times, so I feel your pain. But, you might just be surprised with the results. Especially now that you are revving up your metabolism with the running.
    Keep up the good work, you're doing great!

  2. Glad to hear you had a better day, today!

    Be careful with icing for more than 20 minutes per hour in the same spot. It's possible to do more harm than good.

    Hope your run was great!



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