Here's the skinny: I've been near 300 lbs. for years and need to lose weight. I'm married to a wonderful lady, and we have a family. One of our boys often asks if I'll run with him. I've always had to tell him, "No." In August of '09, my wife learned about a couch-to-5k running program, and I agreed to try it with her. This blog chronicles our progress on that training program. I hope I'll soon be able to surprise my son by telling him, "Yes, I'll go running with you!"

Friday, February 12, 2010

Weight check 2/12 - Mrs. F

Mrs. F
Last Friday: 166.8 lbs.

Today: 164.9 lbs.

Gain/Loss: -1.9 lbs.

Goal: 150.0 lbs.

Cumulative: 17.9 lbs.

Pounds to lose: 14.9

Comment: Woot! Im very pumped to see the lose this week. Last week,I didnt even weigh in cause it was a bad week! I got back on track this week, did two good runs and watched my intake. I love seeing the numbers go down! Almost 18 lbs lost, it still amazes me.