Here's the skinny: I've been near 300 lbs. for years and need to lose weight. I'm married to a wonderful lady, and we have a family. One of our boys often asks if I'll run with him. I've always had to tell him, "No." In August of '09, my wife learned about a couch-to-5k running program, and I agreed to try it with her. This blog chronicles our progress on that training program. I hope I'll soon be able to surprise my son by telling him, "Yes, I'll go running with you!"

Thursday, March 8, 2012

100 Pushups - W3D1

Well, when I posted last night, I said I was pushing off my 100 Pushups workout to today.  As it turns out, a little bit of compulsion and habit can be a good thing.  I completed the workout last night, as originally scheduled.

The workout was five sets of reps: 14 - 18 - 14 - 14 - 20.  During the final set, you're encouraged to do as many as you can.  With a bit of grunting and a reasonable amount of discomfort, I did 40! during the final set.  When I looked at the total number, it was 100.

Now, that's not the 100 the program is pushing toward.  That was simply 100 reps between all the sets.  The end goal is being able to do 100 in one set, at the end of six weeks.  I'm just over a third of the way there.

Since I'm doing my pushups on an angle, I plan to go through the program again after I'm done, hopefully on the floor.  If not, must closer to the floor (e.g., coffee table height).

Anyway, I'm glad to be making progress that I can see and feel.  My next doctor visit is scheduled for two weeks from today.  I'm guessing she's going to be quite surprised by my progress.

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